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Access Control

What Are Access Control Systems and Why Does Your Facility Need Them?

The term Access Control refers to the electronic security systems used to prevent unauthorized access to specific areas in a facility. Instead of using old-fashioned keys to unlock doors, electronic access is granted based on a set of rules and authorization levels programmed within the system. 

Basic Components of Access Control Systems

Electronic access control systems will vary widely based on the complexity of the system but in general, there are three main components:


These components include proximity cards, card readers, mobile devices, keypads, etc. that users use and/or interface with to gain access into a particular area.


This is the software system that administrators use to program individual access rights and other security settings in the system.


The physical components that comprise the access control system itself include electronic door locking hardware, control panels, cabling and other hardware.

The Problem With Traditional Lock & Key

  • If an employee retires or is terminated do you have to replace or manually reprogram all of your locks?
  • Traditional keys can be copied, lost or stolen and creates a potential security risk.
  • Locks and keys are inconvenient and expensive to replace.
  • Leaving doors unlocked and unattended creates opportunities for theft or malicious damage as well as leaves staff and assets unprotected. 
  • With traditional locks and keys you don’t have a timestamp to know when someone has entered or exited your building.

The Solution, Anytime. Anywhere. Any Device Access Control

  • Effortless Control of who has access to certain areas and when 
  • Incredibly easy to use with minimal training required for administrators and users
  • If a user is terminated or has their fob stolen or lost you can restrict access for that fob immediately
  • Set auto open/lock times on a daily basis
  • Your mobile device can be used as a credential
  • Manage users, lock and unlock doors and change system settings from any device
  • Whether in the office or on the road instantly know the status of every door
  • Schedule reports to be delivered automatically via email or view in real time who has accessed any door 
  • Integrate with your video surveillance system


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